  • One dead, 30 injured in passenger train accident

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    • Published in Sindh
    train File Photo train

    A woman passenger was killed while 30 other passengers got injured after nine bogies of Lahore-bound Karachi Express derailed near Rohri.

    On getting information, rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the injured to a nearby hospital.

    Sources at the Civil Hospital Rohri relayed that 23 injured were brought to the health facility, eleven of whom were discharged after being given first aid while two are under treatment.

    Railway officials said the train derailed due to old, rundown tracks, suspending rail traffic on the up-track. Six to eight trains were stopped at different stations after the accident, they added.

    IG Railway Arif Nawaz said the accident occurred at around 1am. A high-level committee will be set up to determine the cause of the accident, he added. Railways Minister Azam Swati himself monitored the rescue operation.

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