  • KP Govt releases Rs 18.4 bln for reconstruction houses in tribal districts

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    • Published in KP & FATA
    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has released 18.4 billion rupees for rehabilitation houses File Photo Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has released 18.4 billion rupees for rehabilitation houses

    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has released 18.4 billion rupees for rehabilitation and reconstruction of more than fifty seven thousand damaged houses in the newly merged five tribal districts.

    According to a compensation chart placed by Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Media Iftikhar Durrani on his twitter account, around 15.389 billion rupees have been paid for 38,473 fully damaged and over three billion rupees for 19,097 partially damaged houses in these districts.


    The Special Assistant has termed the payment another step of the provincial government for well-being of the tribal people.

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